Sunday, August 17, 2014

Montaigne/Austen Essay

Usally when Authors write books they stick to one topic in hopes that the reader will get A deeper understanding of what thoughts they are trying to portray. This isn't the case in the Montaigne essays. Every thought that was generated, every word that was thought of,and every sentence that was put together was put into what i would call Michel De Montaines diary and not an essay. Jane Austens work does not compare to Wallaces work in a way of structure. infact it seems that she can not at all gear off in another direction with an unfinished idea.She focuses on the rising love between Elizabeth and Darcy and strictly stays in the line of an ordered secretive relationship that keeps the readers wondering. Exactly what makes them different, that Austen is able to hold information in to keep you wondering about what's happening next while Montaigne lays it all out for you. "what goes on inside is just too fast and huge and all interconnected for words to do more than barley sketch the outlines of at most on tiny little part of it at any given instant" Montaigne goes from topics of education to religion that seems to be the least bit related. but then he explains the connection that goes on within his mind although most are still very amazing to me.but as his writing seemed to be everywhere at once he still had quite a bit of structure in it. all of his arguments were supported with quotes from greek mythology, and latin, and Italian phrases as well. Montaine opened up the minds of many to expand the ideas that go through everyone's mind and turn them into something much bigger and greater. Jane Austen did not just connect her thoughts, she connected her characters as well. her story was told from two perspectives, one as a narrator or and the other being Elizabeth. 

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