Tuesday, June 9, 2015

The Final

 When I begin to think of the master piece academy these are the things that come to mind.
-Higher thinking of the political systems
- the purpose that we are all here on earth
- healthy life styles
what I took away from these two weeks of the master pieces is that everyone has very different levels of what they think is acceptable for a grade. and number two is that peoples main interest literally range from the dirt on the ground to the planets in the sky.
  • Element one
  • As far as the trust me and my classmates were given during this course I wouldn't say that we abused it but I don't think we should have had as much leeway as we did, although I do understand the method behind it. I think we did earn it because of all of the three years we have spent to try ad earn that trust and then we finally get it. but then as soon as we get it, it was also like along with that we had twenty other things to worry about all at the same time.
  • Element three
  •  I don't think I have quit found the passion that drives me but my master piece was definitely o something that sparked a fire in me and mad me a little angry. hopefully what im majoring in will draw me in more as I begin to study it.
  • Element four
  • one moment that actually made me laugh is something that happened today. when Dr. Preston took the sparkling juice from me ad tried to open it on the table made my life because it looked like he was trying to break his hand. Another moment was Bridget's master piece, I don't really think I need to say anymore.
  • Element five
    • One thing I found that ran through a lot of presentations is the theme of finding yourself whether it be through nature or other things. ( Stephanie and Hayley's, Haylee's, Terry, Meagan and Edgar) Meagan talked about finding yourself with a passion that you want to peruse in life through a career, hers being journalism. Terry found himself in nature and captured his love for it by bringing other students along on a journey with him. Stephany and Hayley did that as well. But the other Haylee captured finding yourself through materialistic things ad decorating to make your surroundings as comfortable as possible. Edgar showed personification I his presentation connecting us with street art and helping us get in touch with our inner artist.
  • Element six
  • I would say I am on my way to being a hero. I haven't quit mastered it yet but I will get it soon.