Monday, October 13, 2014

Green Eggs And Hamlet

A) what i know about Hamlet is that it was a story of tragedy and that the play took place in Denmark 
B) I know that Shakespeare writes plays that a lot of people my age don't really understand because they were written a really long time ago in broken English. 
i don't know much about him lets just put it that way. but the most important that i know is that he wrote Romeo and Juliet. 
C)i don't know why everyone else frowns, but i frown when I hear his name because for one it involves reading, and two i have no idea what the hell he is talking about half the time. but i hope this section in the class will give me a better understanding. 
D)what we could do to make studying Shakespeare easier is to come up with activities in class to make his work remember-able and not so boring. 

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